
The SignInController class is used to acquire an authentication token that is required to perform further actions with the api.

POST v1/SignIn

This is used to sign in to the api asynchronously using the specified credentials.

POST v1/SignIn?domainId={domainId}&identityId={identityId}

No documentation available.


Has survey type usage restrictions

A controller for querying addresses

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Addresses capi

This method retrieves a list of Addresses. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Addresses/{addressId} capi

Retrieve the details of a single address.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Addresses capi

Add a new address to the specified sampling point.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Addresses/{addressId} capi

This method deletes a specific address.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Gets the number of addresses at a sampling point in a survey

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Addresses/Count capi
Obsolete Please, get the count by calling the GET Addresses endpoint and counting the number of returned addresses.

Returns the number of addresses at the sampling point.


A controller for querying background activities

GET v1/BackgroundActivities/{activityId}

This method retrieve details of a specific background activity.


Controller for managing the blacklist

GET v1/Blacklist

Downloads the blacklist for the domain.

POST v1/Blacklist

Uploads the blacklist for the domain. Pass the data as a CSV formatted string in the body of the request.


The CapiInterviewersController class provides methods to query and manage interviewers.

GET v1/CapiInterviewers

This method retrieve a list of interviewers. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/CapiInterviewers/{interviewerId}

This method retrieve details of a specific interviewer using the interviewerId.

POST v1/CapiInterviewers

This method creates a new interviewer.

DELETE v1/CapiInterviewers/{interviewerId}

This method deletes a specified interviewer.

PATCH v1/CapiInterviewers/{interviewerId}

Update an interviewer with the specified specified fields

PUT v1/CapiInterviewers/{interviewerId}

This method is used to reset an interviewer's password.

PATCH v1/CapiInterviewers/{interviewerId}/FieldworkOffices/{officeId}

Add fieldwork office to an interviewer. If fieldwork office already exist on interviewer it will be ignored.

DELETE v1/CapiInterviewers/{interviewerId}/FieldworkOffices/{officeId}

Delete fieldwork office(s) from an interviewer. If fieldwork office doesn't exist on interviewer it will be ignored.

GET v1/CapiInterviewers/{interviewerId}/FieldworkOffices

Returns fieldwork offices assigned to the specified interviewer.

GET v1/CapiInterviewers/GetByClientId/{clientInterviewerId}

This method retrieve the details of a specific interviewer using the clientInterviewerId.


The InterviewersController class provides methods to query and manage interviewers for Nfield Cati.

GET v1/CatiInterviewers

This method retrieve a list of interviewers. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/CatiInterviewers/{interviewerId}

This method retrieve details of a specific interviewer using the interviewerId.

POST v1/CatiInterviewers

This method creates a new interviewer.

DELETE v1/CatiInterviewers/{interviewerId}

This method deletes a specified interviewer.

PUT v1/CatiInterviewers/{interviewerId}

This method is used to reset an interviewer's password.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Allows for retrieving and updating data retention settings for a survey

GET v1/surveys/{surveyId}/DataRetentionSettings online

Get the data retention settings for a survey

PUT v1/surveys/{surveyId}/DataRetentionSettings online

Update the data retention settings for a survey


Allows retrieving of default texts for translatable items

GET v1/DefaultTexts

Gets all default texts for the domain.

GET v1/DefaultTexts/{translationKey}

Gets the specified default text for the domain.


A controller for managing the custom properties for a Survey.

GET v1/Delivery/Surveys/{surveyId}/Properties

Returns the properties for the selected survey. This list can be filtered, sorted and supports paging using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/Delivery/Surveys/{surveyId}/Properties/{propertyId}

Returns the property for the selected survey based on the given identifier.

POST v1/Delivery/Surveys/{surveyId}/Properties

Adds the selected properties to the survey.

DELETE v1/Delivery/Surveys/{surveyId}/Properties/{propertyId}

Deletes the selected property from the survey.

PUT v1/Delivery/Surveys/{surveyId}/Properties/{propertyId}

Updates the selected survey property's values.


A controller for managing Surveys that are available in Data Delivery sub-system.

GET v1/Delivery/Surveys

Gets a list of surveys that can be added to a repository. Returns first 100 surveys. The list can be filtered, sorted and supports paging using standard OData syntax.


Controller for writing domain assignments for AAD users

POST v1/DomainAssignments

Submits many domain assignments for processing. At most 100 assignments can be submitted at a time. If assignments with the same object id/domain id already exist, they will be updated. When a user logs in and there are multiple relevant assignments (for example, multiple groups), the one with the most powerful role wins. This endpoint requires bearer authentication with an Azure Active Directory token.

DELETE v1/DomainAssignments

At most 100 assignments can be deleted at a time. This endpoint requires bearer authentication with an Azure Active Directory token.


Controller for managing the domain's email settings

GET v1/EmailSettings Deprecated: Use Get V2

Gets the domain's email settings.

PUT v1/EmailSettings Deprecated: Use Put V2

Update the domain's email settings.

GET v2/EmailSettings

Gets the domain's email settings.

PUT v2/EmailSettings

Update the domain's email settings.


Controller for managing the domain Languages. Using LanguageTranslations to keep the same name used for surveys

GET v1/LanguageTranslations Deprecated: Use Get V2

Gets all domain languages for the domain.

POST v1/LanguageTranslations Deprecated: Use Post V2

Create a new domain language

PATCH v1/LanguageTranslations/{languageId} Deprecated: Use Patch V2

Patch the domain's language.

DELETE v1/LanguageTranslations/{languageId} Deprecated: Use Delete V2

Delete the domain's language by id.

GET v2/LanguageTranslations

Gets all domain languages for the domain.

POST v2/LanguageTranslations

Create a new domain language

PATCH v2/LanguageTranslations/{languageId}

Patch the domain's language.

DELETE v2/LanguageTranslations/{languageId}

Delete the domain's language by id.


Controller to handle domain configuration (password settings and email settings)

GET v1/PasswordSettings Deprecated: Use Get V2

Gets all password settings for the domain.

PATCH v1/PasswordSettings Deprecated: Use Patch V2

Patch the domain's password settings.

GET v2/PasswordSettings

Gets all password settings for the domain.

PATCH v2/PasswordSettings

Patch the domain's password settings.


Controller for managing the domain response codes

GET v1/ResponseCodes Deprecated: Use Get V2

Gets all domain response codes for the domain.

POST v1/ResponseCodes Deprecated: Use Post V2

Create a new domain response code

PATCH v1/ResponseCodes/{responsecodeId} Deprecated: Use Patch V2

Patch the domain's response codes.

DELETE v1/ResponseCodes/{responsecodeId} Deprecated: Use Delete V2

Delete the domain's response code by id.

GET v2/ResponseCodes

Gets all domain response codes for the domain.

POST v2/ResponseCodes

Create a new domain response code

PATCH v2/ResponseCodes/{responsecodeId}

Patch the domain's response codes.

DELETE v2/ResponseCodes/{responsecodeId}

Delete the domain's response code by id.


Controller for managing the domain setting to set a set of fields in order to search respondent data inside them

GET v1/SearchFieldsSetting Deprecated: Use Get V2

Gets the domain's search fields.

PUT v1/SearchFieldsSetting Deprecated: Use Put V2

Update the domain's search fields.

GET v2/SearchFieldsSetting

Gets the domain's search fields.

PUT v2/SearchFieldsSetting

Update the domain's search fields.


Manages logs collected for External API usage

POST v1/ExternalApiLogDownload

Create a request for the external api logs


A controller for querying external api configuration

GET v1/ExternalApis

List all api's

GET v1/ExternalApis/{apiName}

Get api configuration by name

DELETE v1/ExternalApis/{apiName}

Delete external api configuration


The InterviewController class provides methods to query and manage interviews.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Interviews/{interviewId}

Delete all data for a specified interview of a specified survey.


The InterviewerAssignmentsController class provides methods to get the interviewers assignments for CAPI surveys. Gets all assignments types, Survey and Sampling points. (Free intercept, Individual target, Sampling points)

GET v1/Interviewers/{interviewerId}/Assignments

This method retrieves all assignments with counts for the interviewer. It is only allowed for CAPI surveys.


The InterviewersOffices endpoint is obsolete, please use the CAPI CapiInterviewers (FieldworkOffices) endpoints.

Adding/Removing fieldwork offices to an interviewer

GET v1/Interviewers/{interviewerId}/Offices

Returns fieldwork offices assigned to the specified interviewer.

POST v1/Interviewers/{interviewerId}/Offices

Add fieldwork office to an interviewer. If fieldwork office already exist on interviewer it will be ignored.

DELETE v1/Interviewers/{interviewerId}/Offices/{officeId}

Delete fieldwork office(s) from an interviewer. If fieldwork office doesn't exist on interviewer it will be ignored.


The Interviewers endpoint is obsolete, please use the CAPI Interviewers endpoint.

The InterviewersController class provides methods to query and manage interviewers.

GET v1/Interviewers

This method retrieve a list of interviewers. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/Interviewers/{interviewerId}

This method retrieve details of a specific interviewer using the interviewerId.

POST v1/Interviewers

This method creates a new interviewer.

DELETE v1/Interviewers/{interviewerId}

This method deletes a specified interviewer.

PATCH v1/Interviewers/{interviewerId}

Update an interviewer with the specified specified fields

PUT v1/Interviewers/{interviewerId}

This method is used to reset an interviewer's password.

GET v1/Interviewers/GetByClientId/{clientInterviewerId}

This method retrieve the details of a specific interviewer using the clientInterviewerId.


A controller for preparing a local user log download

POST v1/InterviewersWorklog

Sends a request to prepare the Interviewers worklog download file


The controller for Survey Interview quality

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewQuality

This method retrieves the interview details list defined for the survey with the specified surveyId surveyId. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewQuality/{interviewId}

This method retrieves a specific interview detail defined for the survey with the specified surveyId and interviewId.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewQuality

Update the quality state of an existing interview.


A controller to manage interview simulations

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewSimulation

Retrieve the simulation of a survey

GET v1/Surveys/InterviewSimulations

retrieve all simulations

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewSimulations/StartInterviewSimulations

Method used to start an interview simulation

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewSimulations/DownloadHints

Gets hints for the survey simulation.

Supports simulation.


A controller for querying local users

GET v1/LocalUsers Deprecated: Use Get V2

Returns a list of all local users.

GET v1/LocalUsers/{identityId} Deprecated: Use Get V2

Returns details for a local user.

POST v1/LocalUsers Deprecated: Use Post V2

Creates a new user.

PATCH v1/LocalUsers/{identityId} Deprecated: Use Patch V2

Edits properties of a local user.

DELETE v1/LocalUsers/{identityId} Deprecated: Use Delete V2

Deletes a user

PATCH v1/LocalUsers/Password/{identityId} Deprecated: Use Patch V2

Edits local user password.

GET v2/LocalUsers

Returns a list of all local users.

GET v2/LocalUsers/{identityId}

Returns details for a local user.

POST v2/LocalUsers

Creates a new user.

PATCH v2/LocalUsers/{identityId}

Edits properties of a local user.

DELETE v2/LocalUsers/{identityId}

Deletes a user

PATCH v2/LocalUsers/{identityId}/Password

Edits local user password.


A controller for preparing a local user log download

POST v1/LocalUsersLogs

Sends a request to prepare the logs download file


A controller for querying information about the logged in user.

GET v1/Me/Role Deprecated: Use Get V2

Returns the user role for the currently authenticated user.

GET v2/Me/Role

Returns the user role for the currently authenticated user.


A controller for managing survey media files

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/MediaFiles

Gets a list of all media file names for a survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/MediaFiles/{fileName}

Streams the needed media file.

Supports blueprint surveys.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/MediaFiles/{fileName}

Creates or update the survey media file. You can upload multiple zipped files, make sure you don't add folders to the zip.

Supports blueprint surveys.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/MediaFiles/{fileName}

Deletes the survey media file.

Supports blueprint surveys.


The controller to get the count of media files in a survey

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/MediaFiles/Count

Gets the number of media files in a survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.


A controller for querying fieldwork offices Supervisor should only have access to the Get methods

GET v1/Offices Deprecated: Use Get V2

Retrieve a list of Fieldwork Offices. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/Offices/{officeId} Deprecated: Use Get V2

Retrieve details of a specific fieldwork office.

POST v1/Offices Deprecated: Use Post V2

Create a new fieldwork office.

PATCH v1/Offices/{officeId} Deprecated: Use Patch V2

Update a fieldwork office.

DELETE v1/Offices/{officeId} Deprecated: Use Delete V2

Delete a fieldwork office NOTE: the headquarters office cannot be deleted.

GET v2/Offices

Retrieve a list of Fieldwork Offices. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v2/Offices/{officeId}

Retrieve details of a specific fieldwork office.

POST v2/Offices

Create a new fieldwork office.

PATCH v2/Offices/{officeId}

Update a fieldwork office.

DELETE v2/Offices/{officeId}

Delete a fieldwork office NOTE: the headquarters office cannot be deleted.


A controller to manage parent surveys.

GET v1/ParentSurveys

Retrieve all parent surveys. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

POST v1/ParentSurveys

Create new parent survey.


A controller for querying survey quota versions

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/QuotaVersions

This method retrieves a list of quota frame versions for the specified survey.

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/QuotaVersions/{eTag}

This method retrieves quota frame for the specified version.

Supports simulation.


A controller for querying repositories.

DELETE v1/Delivery/Repositories/{id}

Deletes an existing data repository.

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories

Gets a list of repositories for the domain.

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{id}

Gets the repository for the provided identifier.

POST v1/Delivery/Repositories

Provisions a new data repository.

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{id}/Metrics/{interval}

Gets performance metrics for the repository

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Credentials

Returns the credentials (including server information) to connect to a repository database.

POST v1/Delivery/Repositories/{id}/Subscriptions

Changes the subscription plan of a repository.

POST v1/Delivery/Repositories/{id}/Sync

Triggers a repository sync.

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Logs/Subscriptions

Gets repository subscription logs. Returns first 100. This list can be filtered, sorted and supports paging using standard OData syntax

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Logs/Activities

Gets repository activity logs. Returns first 100. This list can be filtered, sorted and supports paging using standard OData syntax.


A controller for managing Firewall Rules of a Repository.

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/FirewallRules

Returns the firewall rules configured for the repository database.

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/FirewallRules/{firewallRuleId}

Returns the firewall rule for the requested repository based on the given identifier.

POST v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/FirewallRules

Adds a firewall rule to allow access to repository database for specific IP addresses.

DELETE v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/FirewallRules/{firewallRuleId}

Deletes the specified firewall rule from the Repository database.


A controller for managing Repository Surveys

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Surveys

Returns the surveys of the given repository. Returns first 100. This list can be filtered, sorted and supports paging using standard OData syntax.

POST v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Surveys

Adds the selected surveys to the repository.

DELETE v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Surveys/{surveyId}

Deletes the selected survey from the repository.

PUT v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Surveys/{surveyId}/reinitiate

Reinitiates a paused Survey in the selected Repository.


A controller for querying repository users.

DELETE v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Users/{userId}

Deletes the repository user.

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Users

Returns the list of repository users.

GET v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Users/{userId}

Gets a repository user by specified id.

POST v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Users

Creates a new repository user based on the given data.

POST v1/Delivery/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Users/{userId}/Reset

Resets the repository user password.


A controller for querying request configurations

GET v1/Requests

List all request configurations

GET v1/Requests?name={name}

Get request configuration by name

GET v1/Requests/{id}

Get request configuration by id

POST v1/Requests

Create a new request configuration

PUT v1/Requests

Update existing request configuration

DELETE v1/Requests/{id}

Delete request configuration


Has survey type usage restrictions

Manages data collected for a survey

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/RespondentDataEncrypt online

Gets asynchronously the decrypted data to encrypt it


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller handling the upload of an image file for the sampling point

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoint/{samplingPointId}/Image capi

Method used to download sampling point image.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoint/{samplingPointId}/Image/{fileName} capi

Method used to upload an image file associated with a sampling point (e.g. a map). The upload of a new image file for an existing sampling point will update the old image.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoint/{samplingPointId}/Image capi

Method used to delete the sampling point image.


Has survey type usage restrictions

The SamplingPointsController class provides methods to query and manage sampling points for a survey.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints capi

Get a list of all sampling points for a survey. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId} capi

Get the details of a specific sampling point.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId} capi

Delete a specified sampling point.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId} capi

Update a sampling point with the specified fields

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints capi

Create a new sampling point.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Activate capi

Activate a spare sampling point so it can be assigned. If a target is provided, it will also apply it.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ActivateSamplingPoints capi

Send a list of spare sampling points to be activated so they can be assigned.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Replace capi

Replaces an active sampling point with a spare one. If a target is provided, it will also apply it.


Has survey type usage restrictions

The SamplingPointsCountController class provides method to get the count of sampling points for a survey.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/Count capi
Obsolete Please, get the count by calling the GET SamplingPoints endpoint and counting the number of returned sampling points.

Returns the number of samplingPoints of the survey.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller for managing assignment of interviewers to sampling points

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Assignments capi

Get the interviewers assigned to a sampling point.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Assignments/{interviewerId} capi

Assign an interviewer to a sampling point.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/Assignments/{interviewerId} capi

Unassign an interviewer from a sampling point.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPointsAssignments capi

Assign many interviewers to many sampling points.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPointsAssignments capi

Unassign many interviewers from many sampling points.


Has survey type usage restrictions

The SamplingPointsQuotaController class provides methods to query and manage sampling points quota targets for a survey.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/QuotaTargets capi

This method retrieves a list of quota level targets based on survey and sampling point.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/QuotaTargets/{quotaLevelId} capi

This method retrieves detail of quota level targets based on survey and sampling point.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingPoints/{samplingPointId}/QuotaTargets/{quotaLevelId} capi

Update an sampling point's quota level with the specified fields.


A controller for querying global settings for delivery system.

GET v1/Delivery/Settings/RepositoryStatuses

Gets a list of repository statuses.

GET v1/Delivery/Settings/Plans

Gets a list of repository plans.


A controller for managing Events Subscriptions.

GET v1/Events/Subscriptions

Gets a list of Event Grid Domain Topic Subscriptions for the domain.

GET v1/Events/Subscriptions/{name}

Gets an Event Grid Domain Topic Subscription.

POST v1/Events/Subscriptions

Creates an Event Grid Domain Topic Subscription based on the given data.

PATCH v1/Events/Subscriptions/{name}

Updates an Event Grid Domain Topic Subscription.

DELETE v1/Events/Subscriptions/{name}

Deletes an Event Grid Domain Topic Subscription.


A controller for creating surveys from blueprints and vice versa.

POST v1/Surveys/CreateSurveyFromBlueprint

This method creates a new survey from a blueprint survey. All survey configurations will be copied from the blueprint to the new survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

PUT v1/SurveyBlueprints/{blueprintId}/Update

This method updates an existing blueprint by copying configuration from a survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.


Provides the following interview counts for a survey:<br /> Successful count Screened-out count Dropped out count Rejected count Quota level counts

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Counts

Returns the counts for the specified survey. For all surveys it will return the topline counts. For surveys with Quota, it will also include detailed counts per quota level.

Supports simulation.


Get custom columns

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/CustomColumns

Get custom columns for the specified survey.

Supports simulation.


Manages data collected for a survey

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/DataDownload

Post a request for a data download. The surveyDataRequest specifies the information required on the download.

Supports simulation.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/DataDownload/{interviewId}

Post a request for a data download of one interview.

Supports simulation.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Manages get/update dial mode for cati surveys

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/DialMode cati

Get the dial mode for the survey

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/DialMode cati

Update the dial mode for the survey


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller for managing survey email settings

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/EmailSettings online

Get email settings for the survey.

Supports simulation.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/EmailSettings online

Update email settings for the survey.


The fieldwork management controller. Allows to start and stop the fieldwork.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Fieldwork/Start

This method starts the fieldwork of the survey.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Fieldwork/Stop

This method stops the fieldwork of the survey.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Fieldwork/Status

This method returns fieldwork status.

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Fieldwork/Counts

Returns survey fieldwork counts.

Supports simulation.


A controller for querying survey general settings Supervisor should only have access to the Get methods

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/GeneralSettings

Retrieve details of a specific survey general settings.

Supports blueprint surveys.

Supports simulation.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/GeneralSettings

Update a survey general settings.

Supports blueprint surveys.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/GeneralSettings/Owner
Obsolete The Owner endpoint is obsolete, please use the GeneralSettings endpoint.

Get the survey owner

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/GeneralSettings/Owner
Obsolete The Owner endpoint is obsolete, please use the GeneralSettings endpoint.

Update the survey owner


The controller is used for surveygroup assignments management

GET v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}/LocalAssignments

Get Survey Group local assignments

GET v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}/DirectoryAssignments

Get Survey Group directory assignments

PUT v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}/AssignLocal

Assign native user to survey group

PUT v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}/AssignDirectory

Assign directory user to survey group

PUT v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}/UnassignLocal

Unassign native user from survey group

PUT v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}/UnassignDirectory

Unassign directory user from survey group


A controller for managing Survey Groups Survey groups offer a way to logically organize your surveys into groups. E.g. a survey group to manage 'all surveys for customer X'. The group defined with id '1' is the so-called 'default survey group', it always exists and cannot be deleted. It can be renamed though.

GET v1/SurveyGroups

Returns the details of all survey groups in the domain.

GET v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}

Retrieve a specific survey group

POST v1/SurveyGroups

Create a survey group. An id is automatically generated.

PATCH v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}

Update a survey group

DELETE v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}

Delete a survey group Survey groups have to be 'empty' before they can be deleted. An empty survey group has no surveys associated to it.


A controller for managing surveys within survey groups

GET v1/SurveyGroups/{surveyGroupId}/Surveys

Returns a list of all surveys in the survey group.


Has survey type usage restrictions

The controller is used to retrieve and to add interviewers to survey. Allowed for non SamplingPoints features

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Interviewers capi

Retrieves list of interviewers for the survey.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Interviewers capi

Adds interviewer to the survey.


The controller is used to assign interviewers to survey.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Interviewers/{interviewerId}/Assignments/QuotaTargets

Gets a list of levelIds with Target, Successful and SurveySuccessful assigned to an interviewer

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Assignment

Assigns/Unassigns the interviewer to the survey.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Interviewers/{interviewerId}/Assignments

This method creates an interviewer assignment


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller to edit an assigned interviewer's work package quota level targets for a survey

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Assignments/{interviewerId}/QuotaLevelTargets capi

Updates an interviewer's a set of work package quota level targets for a survey. It doesn't validate if all the level Ids exist.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller handling the upload of Interviewer instruction file

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewerInstructions/{fileName} capi

Method used to upload interviewer instruction file. The re-upload of a new pdf file for the same survey it will replace the existing one.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewerInstructions capi

Method used to download interviewer instruction file.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewerInstructions capi

Method used to delete the interviewer instruction file.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Interviewer workpackage distribution controller.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Distribute capi

Distributes workpackage for survey.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller for managing survey interview interactions settings It defines which actions are available during the interviews

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewInteractionsSettings online

Get interview interactions settings for the survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InterviewInteractionsSettings online

Update interview interactions settings for the survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller for uploading images for a survey

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InvitationImages/{fileName} online

Uploads an image for the survey


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller for CRUD operations on invitation templates

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InvitationTemplates online

Retrieves the invitation templates for the specified survey.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InvitationTemplates online

Create a new invitation template.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InvitationTemplates/{templateId} online

Update an invitation template.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InvitationTemplates/{templateId} online

Delete an invitation template.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller to send out invitations to respondents

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InviteRespondents online

Posts a request to create a batch for sending out invitations.

GET v1/Surveys/InviteRespondents/SurveysInvitationStatus online

Gets the status of all surveys' invitation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InviteRespondents/SurveyBatchesStatus online

Gets the invitation status of all batches for the specified survey.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/InviteRespondents/InvitationStatus/{batchName} online

Retrieves the invitation status for the wanted batch of the specified survey.


Manages translations for Interview UI elements

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/LanguageTranslations

Get the list of language translations of the specified survey. Translation entries with "null" values will take the default System value, when a survey request for these translations

Supports blueprint surveys.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/LanguageTranslations

Adds a new language to the specified survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/LanguageTranslations/{languageId}

Updates a language of the specified survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/LanguageTranslations/{languageId}

Removes a language of the specified survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.


A controller for moving a survey to another survey group

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SurveyGroup

Move a survey to another survey group


Allows querying for Survey Package content.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Package?type={type}

Get the specified type of package for the specified survey.


The fieldwork management controller. Allows to start and stop the fieldwork.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Performance/Metrics/Live

Get the survey performance metrics for live interviews

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Performance/Metrics/Test

Get the survey performance metrics for test interviews


Provides methods to query and manage survey specific public ids (survey links)

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/PublicIds

This method retrieves the list of public ids (internal test, external test and live) based on a survey. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/PublicIds

Update the survey public ids


The Publish Survey controller. Allows to publish Survey into Survey package.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Publish

Gets the publish state of the survey in the context.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Publish

Publishes the survey to the survey package.


Has survey type usage restrictions

The Publish Survey Start controller. Allows to start publishing an Online (Glu) Survey into Survey package.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Publish/Start online

Creates an activity that starts the publishing process. Use the activity id to wait for the publish result.


Allows creating and retrieving quota definitions for a survey

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SurveyQuotaFrame

Retrieve the quota definition. NB: Make sure all the Id's are valid GUID's.

Supports blueprint surveys.

Supports simulation.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SurveyQuotaFrame

This method creates or updates the survey quota frame NB: Make sure all the Id's are valid GUID's. NB: All the strings will be trimmed during the upload.

Supports blueprint surveys.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SurveyQuotaFrame/{eTag}

Updates the survey quota targets for the specified quota frame version

Supports blueprint surveys.


A controller for querying Survey Resources

GET v1/SurveyResources

This method retrieves a list of all survey resources. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.


SurveyResponseCodesController class provides methods to query and manage survey specific response codes.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ResponseCodes

This method retrieves a list of response codes based on a survey. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

Supports blueprint surveys.

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ResponseCodes/{responseCode}

This method retrieve details of a specific response code for a specific survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ResponseCodes/{responseCode}

This method deletes a specified response code.

Supports blueprint surveys.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ResponseCodes/{responseCode}

Update a response code with the specified fields.

Supports blueprint surveys.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ResponseCodes

This method creates a new response code.

Supports blueprint surveys.


A controller for querying Surveys

GET v1/Surveys

This method retrieves a list of surveys. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}

This method retrieve details of a specific survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

Supports simulation.

POST v1/Surveys

This method creates a new survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}

This method deletes a specified survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

Supports simulation.

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}

Update a survey with the specified fields.

Supports blueprint surveys.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller for CRUD operations on sample data

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample/Block online cati

Blocks sample data for a survey based on the survey id and a filter.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample/Create online cati

Creates a sample record for the specified survey. Body parameters: If one of the ColumnNames is "RespondentInterviewLink" and the corresponding Value is "true", the Response will include the full respondent interview link. NOTE: "RespondentInterviewLink" is a system reserved name, this column is not stored.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample/Reset online cati

Resets sample data for a survey based on the survey id and a filter.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample/Clear

Clears the specified columns in sample data for a survey based on the survey id and a filter.

PUT v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample/Update

Updates Sample Record

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample/{interviewId}

Retrieves a single sample record for the specified survey.

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample

Retrieves the sample data for the specified survey.

Supports simulation.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample online cati

Uploads the sample data for the specified survey. Pass the sample data as a CSV formatted string in the body of the request.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Sample online cati

Deletes the specified survey's SampleData.


Starts a task to get the sample record data

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SampleDataDownload/{fileName}

Create a request for a sample data download.

Supports simulation.


Has survey type usage restrictions

Controller for setting the SamplingMethod for CAPI surveys

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingMethod capi

Method for retrieving current SamplingMethod

PATCH v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/SamplingMethod capi

Method for saving the SamplingMethod


A controller for querying Surveys

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Script

This method retrieves the ODIN script of a specific survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Script/{eTag}

This method retrieves the specific version of ODIN script for the specified survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

Supports simulation.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Script

This method updates the ODIN script of a specific survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.


Controller to handle survey script fragments

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ScriptFragments

Gets a list of all script fragment names for a survey.

Supports blueprint surveys.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ScriptFragments/{fragmentName}

Gets the specified script fragment for the survey

Supports blueprint surveys.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ScriptFragments/{fragmentName}

Add or update the wanted survey script fragment with the content specified as body of the request

Supports blueprint surveys.

DELETE v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/ScriptFragments/{fragmentName}

Delete the specified survey script fragment.

Supports blueprint surveys.


A controller for querying Survey Settings

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Settings

This method retrieves the settings for the survey with the specified surveyId.

POST v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Settings

This method add settings for specified surveyId. Update settings if it's already created.


The SurveysQuotaTargetsController class provides methods to query and manage quota targets for a survey.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/QuotaTargets

This method retrieves a Full QuotaFrame structure based on survey The successful counts are not retrieved

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/QuotaTargets/{eTag}

This method retrieves a Full QuotaFrame structure based on survey. The successful counts are also retrieved

Supports simulation.


A controller for searching respondent surveys

GET v1/Surveys/Search?value={value}

Search respondent across surveys


A controller for querying Surveys for a varfile

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/VarFile

This method retrieves the varfile of a specific survey.

Supports simulation.

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/VarFile/{eTag}

This method retrieves the specific version of the varfile for the specified survey.

Supports simulation.


A controller for querying versions from a survey

GET v1/Surveys/{surveyId}/Versions

This method retrieves a list of survey versions (etags).

Supports simulation.


A controller for querying themes

GET v1/Templates Deprecated: Use Get V2

Gets a list of templates, including a list of themes per template.

GET v2/Templates

Gets a list of templates, including a list of themes per template.


A controller for querying themes

GET v1/Themes/{themeId} Deprecated: Use Get V2

Gets the Download Url for the theme file. Using the Theme Id to find it.

PUT v1/Themes?templateId={templateId}&themeName={themeName} Deprecated: Use Put V2

Creates or updates the theme file using the Template Id and Theme name.

DELETE v1/Themes/{themeId} Deprecated: Use Delete V2

Deletes the theme's files using the ThemeId.

GET v2/Themes/{themeId}

Gets the requested theme download URL

DELETE v2/Themes/{themeId}

Deletes the requested theme

PUT v2/Templates/{templateId}/Themes/{themeName}

Creates or updates the theme file using the Template Id and Theme name.


A controller to manage waves

GET v1/ParentSurveys/{parentSurveyId}/Waves

This method retrieves a list of waves belonging to the provided parent survey. This list can be filtered and sorted using standard OData syntax.

POST v1/ParentSurveys/{parentSurveyId}/Waves

Create new wave survey belonging to the provided parent survey.